Thursday 2 August 2012

Male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, according to the National Kidney and Urological Disease Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). Male potency is usually easily remedied through the use of medication. For people who are uncomfortable with the side effects of pharmaceuticals and want to try to treat naturally before resorting to them, fortunately there are natural ways to increase male potency.


Make healthy lifestyle changes to increase potency. NKUDIC suggests that the first and least invasive way to treat erectile dysfunction is to quit smoking, lose weight and adopt a healthy exercise routine. Sometimes these changes are enough to solve the problem.


Find ways to reduce your anxiety levels which can contribute to erectile dysfunction, according to the Ohio State University Medical Center. Try relaxation breathing, massage from your partner, yoga or meditation as natural ways to improve potency by relieving anxiety.


See a therapist to discuss any emotional or psychological issues that may be causing performance anxiety. This can help you feel more confident in your abilities and help you realize that you are normal. The therapist can help you determine if you are having relationship issues that are leading to impotence problems and help you find ways to solve them.

Constriction Rings

Consider a constriction ring if you can sufficiently obtain an erection but have trouble keeping it. The constriction ring is placed at the base of the penis and will keep blood from flowing out of the penis after an erection is achieved, helping it last longer according to

Natural Ways to Increase Male Potency

Many men are looking for natural ways to increase their potency. In some cases, this is because they don't like the idea of the side effects that can come with the drugs that are available, and, in other cases, living a natural lifestyle is important to them. As long you don't not have any underlying serious health issues that are affecting his potency, there are a number of natural ways to increase potency.

Alcohol, Smoking and Recreational Drugs

  • Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs can all affect the male libido for the worse. It's important to cease drinking alcohol, smoking and doing recreational drugs if you want your libido to bounce back. When men drink a lot of alcohol, it can cause erectile dysfunction, even after the alcohol has left their systems. Smoking can restrict the blood flow to the penis and as such can also cause serious erectile dysfunction. Recreational drugs also have a serious effect on the male libido and should not be used.

Zinc and Vitamin B

  • Testosterone is the hormone that controls libido. If your are experiencing problems with potency, it may be because your testosterone levels have decreased. One reason testosterone levels decrease is a lack of zinc and Vitamin B in the diet. Just adding some foods that have high levels of these substances to your diet can help your body to begin producing testosterone again, and bring your testosterone levels up. Some examples of foods that contain zinc are raw oysters, brown rice, turkey and cheese. Some example foods that contain Vitamin B are eggs, bananas, avocado and salmon.

Ginko Biloba

  • Ginko biloba has been used in Asia for hundreds of years for increased blood flow to the brain. A fortunate side effect of this is that ginko biloba also increases the blood flow to the penis. Since increased blood flow is necessary to maintain an erection, this herb may be one way to increase your potency.

Decrease Stress

  • Stress can cause a man to focus so much on what is stressing him that his potency is decreased. Learning to decrease stress is one natural way to increase potency. It's important to learn healthy ways to manage stress such as deep breathing, yoga or talking to someone who cares. In many cases, once the stress is relieved your libido increases and returns to normal. When stress relief is combined with other things like diet changes, for example, this increases the odds of success.

Male Aphrodisiac Diet Foods to Increase Libido, Potency and Stamina

If you want to enjoy the nature most precious gift, i.e. the bond of love, you have to keep your male potency to the great height. There are many natural foods given by our Mother Nature to rejuvenate our libido, stamina and potency.
The first thing you have to keep in mind to enjoy most in your bedroom is to improve your overall health because libido does not act in isolation. And to improve your overall health, you need a healthy diet rich in all essential nutrients.
There are some special foods that are known to boost libido, testosterone production and male potency. These foods are called aphrodisiac foods. Before talking in depth about aphrodisiac foods, we will talk how to improve erection and semen production.
A good blood circulation is very important to improve erection. Good circulation sends sufficient blood to your male organ. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are popular circulation boosting foods. Omega-3 makes your nervous system more efficient, which is required to reach the maximum height of pleasure while making love.
Oily fish is the food of choice to help increase overall health and male stamina. It contains plenty of zinc, selenium and magnesium, all vital to the natural libido. The major nutrients required to improve male potency are L-Arginine, Zinc, Selenium and B complex. L-Arginine is also a key component to improve erection. Foods rich in L-Arginine are oatmeal, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, dairy products, soybeans, seeds, chickpeas and green vegetables.
There are many potent herbs like Ginseng and Ginko Bilboa, which are very efficient in enhancing your male libido and stamina. These herbs improve blood flow and make blood vessels healthy, as well as increase nitric oxide and testosterone levels. But sometimes it becomes hard to gather all these herbs and combine them in correct proportion. In such a case, herbal male enhancement supplements are the right choice for you.
There are many herbal male enhancement supplements available online that contain high quality natural nutrients. These supplements are natural and improve your male performance as well as boost overall health.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
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